Okay so, I messaged Lena about my situation over a year ago and had to wait a little before getting any work done. I’m absolutely glad I chose to work with her period!!!! I was having problems with the father of my child, who I’m still in love with. He wasn’t speaking to me, being affectionate, & also started speaking to other women. It was a hard time for me. One thing I absolutely love and appreciate about Lena, is her honesty, her ability to listen, her willingness to help, & also the fact that she explains everything so clearly and realistically. I was having my own doubts and anxieties about the relationship with my baby daddy due to my need to “know” everything & insecurities. Lena gave me the rawest advice during this time & first it was hard for me to just “let him be” mind you, I didn’t say “let him go”. I was making things worse on my part and kept trying to get him back before even getting the work done and it was pushing him away even more. She spoke to me like a FRIEND & not just a client. It was time I let go of my doubts, insecurities, & need to “KNOW”. Believe me, it was HARD but, once I did exactly what she suggested and took accountability for my own actions in the situation we were dealing with…. Everything flowed so EFFORTLESSLY. It’s like as soooon as I fell back and let her work and let this MAGIC do its work… everything began to work out. A lot of the times we don’t admit the fault we have in a lot of these situations but, as a believer of her work and as a woman it took me taking accountability and also doing the work to make this HAPPEN. I love Lena and I don’t even know her!! If you’re looking for a confirmation and a REAL RAW REVIEW… this is it! Please release your doubts, anxieties, insecurities, & self sabotaging ways. I’m still working on it but, once you learn to just let things WORK. You will see RESULTS!!! It took mine 24/48 hrs to see. He is now sleeping in bed with me, being more attentive, & is more open to communication without any conflicts. There will be ups and downs but, it takes two to tango!!! Thank you Lena for all that you do!! You are the greatest!
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This is an honest question can you make me a real no games no trying to disrespect I don't have money to pay for surgery and becoming a woman is what I want